This Christmas Season our church has adopted 5 families within the community of Westlock to bless with some practical items. Traditionally "Christmas Hampers" have been done as a delivery of the food items etc to each family, but given the many dietary restrictions these days, FCSS has opted to gift families with gift cards to purchase the necessary food items that fit their specific family's dynamic.
Did you see the Christmas tree in the foyer with all the wooden ornaments on Sunday? On the back of each wooden ornament was a picture & dollar amount for a specific gift card donation. If you took one, please make sure to have that specific gift card donation in by Sunday Dec 11.
Gift cards can be dropped off either at the office directly with Pastor Adam during the week (Mon-Thurs, please call ahead to make sure he isnt' out of the office for a meeting when you are planning on dropping in), or you can bring your gift card donation to church on Sundays and drop it off in the black tithe box located in the foyer.
Thank you for your generosity this holiday to those less fortunate within our community.
Did you know? The tickets sales from the Matt Falk Comedy Night will also be going to support this program to bless those in our community.